Hpv With Genotyping

Genotyping Kit

K1026-200 200 rxns
EUR 64
Description: Direct PCR Kits & Master Mixes#Superior Choice for Cloning and Genotyping

Hpv Laboratories manufactures the hpv with genotyping reagents distributed by Genprice. The Hpv With Genotyping reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Hpv. Other Hpv products are available in stock. Specificity: Hpv Category: With Group: Genotyping

True Blue

5mg Ask for price
Description: True Blue

TaqMan Genotyping Master Mix

5*1 mL
EUR 300

TaqMan Genotyping Master Mix

10*1 mL
EUR 600

castPCR Genotyping Master Mix

5*1 mL
EUR 300

castPCR Genotyping Master Mix

10*1 mL
EUR 600

Direct Mouse Genotyping Kit

200 rxns
EUR 64
Description: Direct PCR Kits & Master Mixes#Superior Choice for Cloning and Genotyping

Direct Mouse Genotyping Kit

500 rxns
EUR 112
Description: Direct PCR Kits & Master Mixes#Superior Choice for Cloning and Genotyping

Genotyping information

SensiFAST Genotyping Lo-Rox Kit

BIO-34005 500 Reactions Ask for price

SensiFAST Genotyping Lo-ROX Mix

BIO-34020 2000 rxns Ask for price

SensiFAST Genotyping Hi-Rox Kit

BIO-35005 500 Reactions Ask for price

SensiFAST Genotyping Hi-ROX Mix

BIO-35020 2000 rxns Ask for price

One Step U+ Mouse Genotyping Kit

PD104-01 200 rxn
EUR 327.6

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B40013 200 ractions
EUR 250.8
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B40015 500 ractions
EUR 490.8
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B45012 1ml*5 (500 ractions)
EUR 336
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

Mouse Direct PCR Kit (For Genotyping)

B45013 1ml*20 (2000 ractions)
EUR 1038
Description: The Mouse Direct PCR Kit provides a fast preparation and PCR amplIFication that is specIFically designed for mouse genotyping. Buffer L and Protease Plus rapidly digests mouse tissue to release intact genomic DNA that can be used directly as the template for PCR amplIFication.

HPV genotypes 14 Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection and genotyping of HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68)

V67-100FRT 100
EUR 1571.78

TARGATT? Knock-in iPSC Genotyping Kit

AST-1102 1 Kit Ask for price
Description: 12 month

HPV genotypes 21 Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection and genotyping of HPV (6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82)

V21-100FRT 96
EUR 2594.2

Powerpol HS 2X PCR Mix for Mouse Genotyping

RK20737 1.250mL
EUR 133.53

HPV 14 Screen & 16,18,45 Typing Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection of 14 HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68) and genotyping of HPV 16, 18, 45

V31-100-F-FRT 100
EUR 1325.44

FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR & Genotyping Solution

4611 20mL
EUR 156
Description: FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR/Genotyping Solution for is designed for rapid cell lysis and DNA separation simultaneously without the need of DNA extraction steps . It contains very low concentration of less toxic chemicals for direct DNA amplification of genomic DNA from various plant tissues. No heat treatment and no termination buffer is is required, saving significant time. FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR/Genotyping Solution has been optimized with FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR kit and FastAmp® Plant Tissue/Seed Genotyping PCR kit.

2x Genotyping PCR Ready Master Mix (250 x 20µL rxn)

T403 250 rxn
EUR 179

2x Genotyping PCR Ready Master Mix (250 x 20µL rxn)

T403M 125 rxn
EUR 99