Link Between Gherlin And Gastric Motilty

Gastric cancer and normal gastric tissue array

ST483e each
EUR 222
Description: Gastric cancer and normal gastric tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases/48 cores, replacing ST483d

Ghrelin Assay Laboratories manufactures the link between gherlin and gastric motilty reagents distributed by Genprice. The Link Between Gherlin And Gastric Motilty reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact ghrelin assay. Other Link products are available in stock. Specificity: Link Category: Between Group: Gherlin And

HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit

100 assays
EUR 898

MTT Cell Proliferation and Viability Assay Kit

1 kit
EUR 165
Description: Cultured Cells

Sucrose, Glucose and Fuctose (Plant) Assay Kit

100 µg Ask for price

Sucrose, Glucose and Fuctose (Plant) Assay Kit

20 µg
EUR 350

Sucrose, Glucose and Fuctose (Plant) Assay Kit

50 µg Ask for price

Total Cholesterol and Cholesteryl Ester Assay Kit

100 µg Ask for price

Total Cholesterol and Cholesteryl Ester Assay Kit

20 µg
EUR 437.5

Gherlin And information

Epithelial Dissociation System 6 (Gastric epithelial), Mouse and Rat

4-20256 ea
EUR 161.87

Random Hexamers 100 µg

26-4000-03 100 ug
EUR 150

Random Primers are a mixture of oligonucleotides representing all possible sequence for that size. Random Primers can be used to prime synthesis in oligo-labeling similar to using hexamers (1,2) and cDNA synthesis. Random prime labeling yields high specific activity labeled DNA probe which can be used for all southern, northern and in situ hybridization studies. Random Primers can be also used similar to using hexamers in cDNA synthesis in combination with oligo d(T) to yield more 5' end cDNA sequence. Recently random primers have been used to detect DNA polymorphism. These polymorphisms, simply detected as DNA segments which amplify from one parent but not the other, are inherited in a Mendelian fashion and can be used to construct genetic maps in a variety of species. The authors suggested that these polymorphisms be called RAPD (pronounced RAPID) makers, after Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (3).

References 1. Feinberg, A.P. & Vogelstein, B. (1983) Anal. Biochem. 132:6-13. 2. Feinberg, A.P. & Vogelstein, B. (1984) Anal. Biochem. 137:266-267. 3. Williams J. G., Kubelik A.R., Livak K.J., Rafalski J.A. & Tingey S.V. (1990) Nucleic Acid Res. 18(22):6531-5.

Gastric Mucin antibody

10R-7873 100 ug
EUR 519
Description: Mouse monoclonal Gastric Mucin antibody

Gastric Mucin antibody

MBS834531-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 975

Gastric Mucin antibody

MBS834531-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 4245

Lipase antibody (Gastric)

70R-5368 50 ug
EUR 467
Description: Rabbit polyclonal Lipase antibody (Gastric) raised against the N terminal of LIPF

Gastric Lipase Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 50 ul
  • 100 ul
  • 200 ul

Lipase antibody (Gastric)

MBS5303111-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 750

Lipase antibody (Gastric)

MBS5303111-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 3215

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (AP)

MBS6132109-01mL 0.1(mL
EUR 875

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (AP)

MBS6132109-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 3800

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (PE)

MBS6158624-01mL 0.1(mL
EUR 875

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (PE)

MBS6158624-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 3800

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (HRP)

MBS6153321-01mL 0.1(mL
EUR 875

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) (HRP)

MBS6153321-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 3800

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) APC

MBS6137412-01mL 0.1(mL
EUR 875

LIPF (Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase, GL, Gastric Lipase, MGC138477, MGC142271) APC

MBS6137412-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 3800